It's no be deal, is it? $85B here, $153B there, $700B here, $800B there. So what? The Federal Reserve controls the printing press! All they have to do is pour in more [red] ink and start the presses! Federal money is free, isn't it?
$85B for AIG; $700B for banks and Wall Street; $153B in pork to get the bill passed, $800B for credit cards, auto loans, mortgages and other borrowing. Soon, we'll also be bailing out the auto manufacturers and anyone else that can weasel their way into the federal soup line. Is it ever enough? Currently, the total bailout commitments, loans and pledges of backing is almost $7 trillion - that's $7,000,000,000,000, folks! But, it's no big deal! It's free! Just crank up the printing press!
Where's the help for Main Street? Who gives a rat's behind? That was just part of the rhetoric to get past a temporary problem - you're a schmuck, not deserving of an even break!
Just when the hell are we going to wake up? The general public is being played like a cheap fiddle. It matters not whether you are American, British, German, Italian, whatever! We are all losers. That is, we are all losers as long as we continue to sit on our complacent behinds and allow those in the know to continue raping us with this sham. Wake up and educate yourself, before it's too late! Tear up your credit cards and pay off your debt. Do you want to lose your home for the price of a department store credit card? I think not! Don't allow these creeps to take advantage of you and your family!
Is this how we become a third world country?
Hey, new $7 billion loan programs are healthy for the economy -- they create more debt for more a bunch of entitlement deadbeats who will never pay it back.
$7,000,000,000,000. Notice that there are TWELVE zeros in this number, making the total of our current bailout commitments $7 TRILLION, not billion. That's almost as much as the national debt! Most of us find it difficult to wrap our minds around such a number. Well, as of this writing, it equates to ~$23,000 for every man, woman, and child in the United States. This is in addition to the national debt of $10.7 TRILLION, which is another ~$35,000 for each of us, making a total debt load for each and every one of us ~$58,000! Totally preposterous! Bankruptcy, here we come!
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