As long as the majority of us allow those in power to get away with whatever they care to do, we will all be slaves to their greedy desires. Kid yourself, not. There are those that will take everything you have, without giving it a second thought.
I suspect you get the same reaction from most of your family and friends as I do when any subject having to do with politics or current world affairs is brought up - complacency and/or pure boredom. Too many of us have become disenfranchised, discouraged, or simply never cared in the first place. The latter is what I find, mostly. Only when it's too late will these people finally look up and wonder just what the hell happened to our great country, our very society!
When headlines read something like, "US Unveils New $800 Billion Plan to Loosen Credit" or "U.S. Pledges Top $7.7 Trillion to Ease Frozen Credit", most people I know simply skip past the article. (You should read both of them!) Of those that do read it, very few believe there is anything we, as individuals, can do about it. They may be right. They may not. Just consider a bee hive or an ant colony, with each of them doing their small part. Individually, they may not amount to much, but by working together, they have the ability to create huge, thriving communities. We could learn much from bees and ants, and it starts with communication. Talk to your family and friends; start blogs; put tag lines on each of your emails. Don't allow their complacency and boredom to discourage you! You may not be able to control their actions, or lack thereof, but you can control your own. If we fail, let it not be because we were unwilling to do our own small part!
Very good points here. Keep spreading the word.
Thank you, RightKlik!
Here is an excerpt from another article that I recently read about complacency:
My side of the line
By Rebecca JamesCourie
There’s an example many motivating speakers refer to when talking about complacency: Picture a frog sitting in a pot of water. Slowly the heat is turned up and the water starts to get hot. The frog does not stir. The heat is turned up some more and still the frog stays still. Finally the water is churning in a rolling boil. You’ve guessed it. The frog is now a delicatessen for someone’s meal. Picture another frog this time tossed into the already boiling water. Whew! He’s out of there lickety-split!
We are not unlike the frogs. It oftentimes takes a jolt of boiling water or, in our case, a horrific event to spur us into action. Otherwise, we often complacently sit, stewing in our own indecisiveness—getting a little uncomfortable with our surroundings—but still not moved into action.
... (See original for complete article)
It is our duty to rise up against injustice. If we don’t, then do we deserve the freedom that is every American’s God-given right?
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