Saturday, December 13, 2008

Beat up the rich at your own peril

Beat up the rich at your own peril!!!

Let's put tax cuts in terms everyone can understand.

Suppose that every day, ten men go out for dinner. The bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:

The first four men — the poorest — would pay nothing; the fifth would pay $1, the sixth would pay $3, the seventh $7, the eighth $12, the ninth $18, and the tenth man — the richest — would pay $59.

That's what they decided to do. The ten men ate dinner in the restaurant every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement — until one day, the owner threw them a curve (in tax language a tax cut).

"Since you are all such good customers," he said, "I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily meal by $20." So now dinner for the ten only cost $80.00.

The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes. Therefore, the first four men were unaffected. They would still eat for free. But what about the other six, the paying customers? How could they divvy up the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his "fair share?"

The six men realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would end up being PAID to eat their meal. So the restaurant owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.

So, the fifth man paid nothing, the sixth pitched in $2, the seventh paid $5, the eighth paid $9, the ninth paid $12, leaving the tenth man with a bill of $52 instead of his earlier $59. Each of the six was better off than before. Moreover, the first four continued to eat for free.

However, once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings. "I only got a dollar out of the $20," declared the sixth man who pointed to the tenth. "But he got $7!"

"Yeah, that's right," exclaimed the fifth man, "I only saved a dollar, too! It's unfair that he got seven times more than me!"

"That's true!" shouted the seventh man, "why should he get $7 back when I got only $2? The wealthy get all the breaks!"

"Wait a minute," yelled the first four men in unison, "We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!"

The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up. The next night he didn't show up for dinner, so the nine sat down and ate without him. Nevertheless, when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered, a little late what was very important. They were FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS short of paying the bill!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Greed kills, and the UAW should die!

In this case I hope the UAW stands its ground, forcing the automakers into bankruptcy. Then, perhaps all contracts with the UAW can be declared null and void, putting an end to the UAW.

Can you imagine where the electronics and technology sector would be today if they had to deal with the likes of the UAW? Instead of cell phones, we would still be using phone booths at a charge of $3/minute! Instead of what we have in personal computers, the regional data centers would be thriving! Unions, IMO, outlived their usefulness years ago. The majority of them are greedy, causing more harm than good.

Tonight, the Senate rightfully rejected the $14B bailout for the automakers because the UAW refused to accept pay cuts until the end of their current contract, in 2011. I'm sure they hope that by then, everything will be much better and no pay cuts will be necessary. What's wrong with the UAW accepting salary and benefits equal to employees of other automakers in the USA? See this article for a list and description of other, better autos that are built in the USA. Autoworkers, save your jobs! Tell the UAW to back off and not be so greedy!

Majority Leader Harry Reid said, "I dread looking at Wall Street tomorrow. It's not going to be a pleasant sight."

Too bad! I also have money and retirement funds tied up in stocks. But, it's time we get our fiscal house in order and stop printing money that is backed by nothing more than more debt!

"Congressional Republicans were already in open revolt against Bush over an auto bailout deal the White House negotiated with congressional Democrats, passed by the House on Wednesday."

George W. Bush - A RINO if I've ever seen one! I don't know why the liberal democrats are so against Bush, as he's proven himself more of a liberal than a conservative in more ways than one. A true conservative wouldn't back the things GWB has, including amnesty for illegal aliens. If liberals don't like GWB, just wait until they get a taste of BHO!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bamboozled, again!

Now that we have all seen how the Treasury and Wall Street pulled the wool over Congress' eyes, a few of our Representatives are starting to see how foolish they were to trust the likes of Hank Paulson, Nancy Pelosi, et al.

Rather than using the bailout money to buy up bad assets and mortgages from banks, the Treasury bought into those banks and bailed out their friends on Wall Street. Main Street has had little to no benefit from the first half of the original $700,000,000,000 . Hopefully, Congress is starting to wise up and will require better expenditure of the second half, if allowed at all. But, I doubt it. Throw a little pork at these people and they'll fall all over themselves to give up whatever is required in return, regardless of what's right for the American people. AIG, banks and Wall Street, auto manufacturers - sure, let's give all of them money that we don't have.

"We gave them money for one thing and then they used it for another," said Rep. David Scott, a member of the House of Representatives Financial Services Committee.

"They said we'd have more oversight; no oversight is in place. These are lies. We've been bamboozled. The Treasury secretary owes us an explanation," said the Georgia Democrat.

"Please don't come here and ask for another penny because if you do, I'm going to work 24 hours a day with the same people I worked with to support you to make sure that they do not support giving you another dime," said Rep. Maxine Waters of California.

Poor ol' Neel Kashkari, Hank Paulson's lightening rod and whipping boy , continues to try defending the actions of his boss. Rather than Paulson getting out there in front of Congress to get grilled, he sends out poor ol' Neel. Do you suppose he really gets paid enough to be treated like that or does he just enjoy the attention, no matter the price?

Meanwhile, they are still advocating the same old things that got us into this fix in the first place, more credit and bigger mortgages, rather than paying off debt and saving. "Reducing interest rates to get borrowers off the sidelines so they can afford to buy a home for the first time or afford a bigger home is the only thing that's going to help home prices, so we think it has some merit," Kashkari said. Sad. Some fools never learn.
Good old Wall Street Boys!
BTW, Hank Paulson was formerly the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs and Neel Kashkari was a former Vice President at Goldman, Sachs.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Dippin' Obama?

Barack Obama pledges not to smoke in White House

Updated Monday, December 8th 2008, 2:34 A

Nah! That's not a pinch between the cheek and gum, is it? (Just kidding, folks!)

Dying will soon cost more in Oregon

Oregonians will pay more to hunt, fish, camp, drive, get a fancy license plate and, yes, even die under a host of fee increases proposed by Gov. Ted Kulongoski in his 2009-11 budget.

These Liberal Democrats have never seen a tax or fee increase they didn't like! Even during this time of massive unemployment and financial crisis, Governor Kulongoski (D) pours salt into the wounds, rather than coming up with a plan to bring a measure of relief to Oregonians. These increases would have made more sense during the time of prosperity, not now!

Full story -
Kulongoski proposes big jump in most Oregon fees
by Harry Esteve, The Oregonian
Sunday December 07, 2008, 9:30 PM

All I can say is that the next time you think our elected officials and the CEOs of some of the largest, most prestigious corporations in America must be more intelligent than the average Joe Sixpack, remember this time and how they have performed!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Answer me this, if you can

Why is it that the bailout for Wall Street was pushed through without so much as a hearing from the CEOs involved, but the CEOs from GM, Ford, and Chrysler are being grilled and humiliated? I find myself actually being embarrassed for them! I just don't get it. Well, maybe I do, but I would be interested in your take on it. I do know enough to follow the money for answers but I guess I'm just missing where the money trail broke down between the auto industry and those in charge of the Federal purse strings.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Why is the media silent...

Why is the media silent on the Obama birth certificate question?

Why has every major news source in the United States almost totally blacked out all reference to the Hawaiian Obama birth certificate controversy?

The media recently reported Barack Obama's choice of a corned beef sandwich for his lunch. The question about his Blackberry phone has gotten more media attention than the birth certificate question.

...if the question is not answered until after the inauguration every executive order or law Barack Obama has enacted will be nullified.

It is the Constitution that asks the question to President Elect Barack Obama; are you a natural born citizen of these United States?

For some possible answers and additional information, please read the full story at:

December 1, 2008
By Michael Bresciani

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Products that Nobody Wants

Now, this one is worth the time to read -

Products that Nobody Wants
Randy Fardal

A few excerpts -

The UAW PAC alone spent $11.5M this year on Democrat candidates, including a $3M ad campaign for Obama, so congress inevitably will acknowledge those "bribes" with a taxpayer-funded bailout.

But that inevitability won’t let the auto company CEOs avoid more symbolic water-boarding. Torturing auto execs benefits lawmakers in three ways: First, public opinion is against bailouts, so the hearings let lawmakers pretend they are spending this taxpayer money reluctantly, rather than gleefully; Second, since union leaders already have ginned up militant “solidarity” among workers by vilifying management, the hearings let lawmakers obligingly reinforce the union’s portrayal of management as greedy and evil; And finally, lawmakers always want press coverage.

...Americans actually think it's the lawmakers that produce products that nobody wants. According to the most recent Rasmussen poll, Congress's approval rating has been hovering around 9-12 percent for the past six months. On a ten point scale, congress would get a "1".

What does the typical American family pay for the "products" that Congress produces? Before the bailout frenzy, Congress was spending at an annual rate of about three trillion dollars. With about 110 million households covering those expenses, each family pays Congress directly or indirectly an average of more than $27,000 per year in taxes and loans. Remember, corporations don't really pay taxes; they just pass the bill on to consumers in the price of their products.

And now that Congress has virtually doubled this year's federal budget with "emergency" spending, they will take an average of about $50,000 per family out of the private economy and redistribute it to their favorite "charities". That might save the jobs of a few wealthy New Yorkers and UAW members, but a lot of productive small businesses could have been started with that money in places like Louisiana or Utah. Or if credit really is our biggest problem, think how much money we withdraw from our local banks to pay taxes. Much of that money could be used instead to fund car loans and mortgages in our local communities.

What products does Congress produce with all that money? Today, governments do little more than transfer wealth, while skimming a bit off the top to fund their own bureaucracies each time they touch it.

If organizations are to be rebuked for making products that nobody wants, the United States Congress deserves the harshest punishment of all. As the big three auto CEOs deliver their recovery plans to lawmakers, Congress itself is being criticized for having no recovery plan of its own, despite writing a flurry of checks with “insufficient funds”.

Perhaps it’s time for Congress to slash payrolls, sell off unproductive units, and design more efficient products. After all, they’re asking taxpayers for trillions to bail them out. Where’s their austerity plan?

Okay, it was more than a few excerpts; I couldn't help it. You still should go and read the entire article.

I'm simply left wondering just how long we Americans are going to continue putting up with this?

Let the leeches help the bloodsuckers

It must be getting rough down at the auto plant, as the CEOs are now willing to restructure, take cuts in pay, and even drive to Washington in order to get on the dole at the FSL, Federal Soup Line. But, these acts of sacrifice come at an additional price; they are now asking for $34B instead of the $25B they were asking for just two weeks ago. Does it ever end? Is there no limit?

As for any thoughts of allowing these outfits to go bankrupt, forget about it. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said bankruptcy isn't an option for the Big Three. And, President-elect Barack Obama has called for propping up the industry.

I say if they can't pull the freight, why should the taxpayer be stuck with their losses? Did they share their profits with us? No!

Another idea I've heard is for the oil industry to bail out the auto industry. They need each other and the oil companies have posted record profits, while the rest of us have been hurt. Let the leeches help the bloodsuckers, I say!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Why We Fight

"It is nowhere written that the American Empire goes on forever."

Military + Industry + Congress = Military Industrial Complex

"This is not about one President or one Party."

John McCain asked, "When does the United States go from a force for good to a force of Imperialism?"

President Eisenhower said, "In the counsels of government, we must guard against the Military Industrial Complex." He said that if we didn't keep an eye on the Military Industrial Complex, we would see what he called 'a disastrous rise of misplaced power'; people making policy who have zero accountability to the voter.

On October 10, 2002, the U.S. Congress passed Joint Resolution 114, granting the President the right to use force against Iraq at his discretion.

On how we maintain an all voluntary military, "We appeal to people's self-interest, and then put them into a situation that's based on self-sacrifice."

From a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel - "These guys were manipulating public opinion, okay, creating, ah, falsehoods and fantasies to inspire fear in the American people so that they could have their war." Further, she says, "I have two sons and I will allow none of my children to serve in the United States Military. If you join the military now, you are not defending the United States of America; you are helping certain policy makers pursue an Imperial agenda." Later, she says, "We have a Congress that failed, in every way, to ask the right questions, to hold the President to account; our Congress failed us, miserably. And that's because many in Congress are beholding to the Military Industrial Complex."

"It turns out, it's not that hard to get a country to go to war."

When pressed, President George W. Bush said, "We've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the September 11th."

"It's a terrible thing, when American citizens can't trust their President."

"There's something wrong with the entire system."

"The reason we are in Iraq, first off, has not honestly been told to the American people. It certainly had nothing to do with the liberation of the Iraqi people. It was never part of the agenda and it's not part of the agenda, now."

"We know we did not have an exit strategy in the invasion of Iraq, because we didn't intend to leave. We are in the process right now of building 14 permanent bases in Iraq."

"The world has changed and we're not going back to where we were."

"One of the sillier ideas [people say]...American policy has been hijacked by a handful of people and as soon as they are out of there, we're going to go back to the way it was. They are wrong about that, because we are not the same people we were, before."

"We are walking on thin ice. We are treading the same path taken by the first Democratic Regime ever created in the Western world, namely, the Roman Republic."

"[The Roman Republic] discovered that to maintain, expand, [and to] protect this empire, they required standing armies. Standing armies is what George Washington warned us against in his farewell address; that they will destroy the structure of government that we tried to create in our Constitution; to prevent the rise of an Imperial Presidency."

"[Our Constitution] gives the right to go to war exclusively to the elected Representatives of the people, to the Congress. Our Congress, in October of 2002, voted in both Houses to give this power to a single man, including the use of nuclear weapons, if he so chose..."

"The fundamental reality is that most of the government's decisions today are substantially dictated by powerful corporate interests. Clearly, Capitalism is winning [over Democracy]."

"...the price of Liberty is eternal vigilance, and we have not been vigilant since Dwight Eisenhower issued his warning to us back in 1961 about the dangers of unauthorized power in the form of the Military Industrial Complex."

President Eisenhower said, "We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper, together."

"So, why we fight? I think we fight [be]cause too many people are not standing up, saying, 'I'm not doing this anymore.'"

Friday, November 28, 2008

Complacency and boredom

As long as the majority of us allow those in power to get away with whatever they care to do, we will all be slaves to their greedy desires. Kid yourself, not. There are those that will take everything you have, without giving it a second thought.

I suspect you get the same reaction from most of your family and friends as I do when any subject having to do with politics or current world affairs is brought up - complacency and/or pure boredom. Too many of us have become disenfranchised, discouraged, or simply never cared in the first place. The latter is what I find, mostly. Only when it's too late will these people finally look up and wonder just what the hell happened to our great country, our very society!

When headlines read something like, "US Unveils New $800 Billion Plan to Loosen Credit" or "U.S. Pledges Top $7.7 Trillion to Ease Frozen Credit", most people I know simply skip past the article. (You should read both of them!) Of those that do read it, very few believe there is anything we, as individuals, can do about it. They may be right. They may not. Just consider a bee hive or an ant colony, with each of them doing their small part. Individually, they may not amount to much, but by working together, they have the ability to create huge, thriving communities. We could learn much from bees and ants, and it starts with communication. Talk to your family and friends; start blogs; put tag lines on each of your emails. Don't allow their complacency and boredom to discourage you! You may not be able to control their actions, or lack thereof, but you can control your own. If we fail, let it not be because we were unwilling to do our own small part!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

$7,000,000,000,000 commitment - No big deal!

Americans must think Paulson has an honest face. He can now write the largest check in the world, and there's nothing you can do about it!

It's no be deal, is it? $85B here, $153B there, $700B here, $800B there. So what? The Federal Reserve controls the printing press! All they have to do is pour in more [red] ink and start the presses! Federal money is free, isn't it?

$85B for AIG; $700B for banks and Wall Street; $153B in pork to get the bill passed, $800B for credit cards, auto loans, mortgages and other borrowing. Soon, we'll also be bailing out the auto manufacturers and anyone else that can weasel their way into the federal soup line. Is it ever enough? Currently, the total bailout commitments, loans and pledges of backing is almost $7 trillion - that's $7,000,000,000,000, folks! But, it's no big deal! It's free! Just crank up the printing press!

Where's the help for Main Street? Who gives a rat's behind? That was just part of the rhetoric to get past a temporary problem - you're a schmuck, not deserving of an even break!

Just when the hell are we going to wake up? The general public is being played like a cheap fiddle. It matters not whether you are American, British, German, Italian, whatever! We are all losers. That is, we are all losers as long as we continue to sit on our complacent behinds and allow those in the know to continue raping us with this sham. Wake up and educate yourself, before it's too late! Tear up your credit cards and pay off your debt. Do you want to lose your home for the price of a department store credit card? I think not! Don't allow these creeps to take advantage of you and your family!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Obama Birth Certificate Petition

Please sign the Obama Birth Certificate Petition.  This issue must be cleared up before Senator Barack Obama is allowed to take office!


To: Electoral College, Congress of the United States, Federa Elections Commission, U.S. Supreme Court, President of the United States, other controlling legal authorities

Whereas, by requirement of the United States Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, no one can be sworn into office as president of the United States without being a natural born citizen;

Whereas, there is sufficient controversy within the citizenry of the United States as to whether presidential election winner Barack Obama was actually born in Hawaii as he claims;

Whereas, Barack Obama has refused repeated calls to release publicly his entire Hawaiian birth certificate, which would include the actual hospital that performed the delivery;

Whereas, lawsuits filed in several states seeking only proof of the basic minimal standard of eligibility have been rebuffed;

Whereas, Hawaii at the time of Obama's birth allowed births that took place in foreign countries to be registered in Hawaii;

Whereas, concerns that our government is not taking this constitutional question seriously will result in diminished confidence in our system of free and fair elections;

We, the undersigned, assert our rights as citizens of the United States in demanding that the constitutional eligibility requirement be taken seriously and that any and all controlling legal authorities in this matter examine the complete birth certificate of Barack Obama, including the actual city and hospital of birth, and make that document available to the American people for inspection.

Please click here, to sign the petition.


Bush was NOT snubbed at G20 Summit

As it turns out, President Bush was NOT snubbed at the G20 Summit, as previously reported by CNN's Rick Sanchez.  Apparently, Sanchez didn't bother to actually check out the details of the reception.  Now, CNN's Jeanne Moos sets the story straight.  The problem is, the damage has already been done and very few will get the correction.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Bush snubbed at G20 Summit

11-19-08: CNN's Rick Sanchez: George Bush snubbed at the G20 Summit. Everyone greeting each other and shaking hands, but Bush walks with his head down like the dejected most unpopular kid in high school.

Watch it and decide for yourself - did the other world leaders snub Bush or did Bush snub them? Either way, it's disturbing to watch and to realize just where we stand with the other countries of the world. It's time for America to get its own house in order and stop trying to control the entire world!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Foreclosure crisis poster child - video

For the past few years, the Inland Empire in Riverside County has been one of the fastest growing counties in the state - home to a major housing boom. But now the Inland Empire is pretty much the poster child for the foreclosure crisis. In the newer developments, house after house sits vacant - either up for auction, for sale by a bank or going for what’s called a “short sale” which is when the owner owes more than the house is worth.

One of the code enforcement guys sums up the problem in a single sentence - “You know you’re in trouble when the lawns are brown and the pools are green!”

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Liars, connivers, and deceivers

Politicians aren't the only liars, connivers, and deceivers - just look at the auto manufacturers' CEOs.  Ford, GM, and Chrysler should be forced into bankruptcy, if they cannot survive on their own.  Then, maybe they will emerge as more competitive companies, with better focus, products, and business plans.  As an additional benefit, it would be a great opportunity to disband the archaic United Auto Workers union!

When asked if they would be willing to make personal sacrafices, this was their response:

"I think I'm OK where I am," Mulally said when asked if he was willing to cut his own salary. Mulally earned more than $22 million in 2007, according to a Ford regulatory filing earlier this year.

General Motors:
Wagoner said he has voluntarily reduced his salary by 50 percent...  He did not say he was willing to make more significant pay cuts.

Wagoner earned about $15.7 million in compensation in 2007, according to a GM regulatory filing in April.

When Nardelli was asked during a Senate hearing on Tuesday if he would be willing to cut his salary to $1, Nardelli said: "I'd be willing to accept that."

Nardelli, who was widely criticized for excessive compensation when he was CEO at Home Depot Inc, failed to tell lawmakers that his annual salary at Chrysler was already set at $1 when he became CEO last year. His other compensation is not fully disclosed.

Each of these guys flew private jets to this meeting, at an average cost of $20,000/each, asking for hard-earned taxpayer money to bail their sorry asses out of a pinch.  When Brad Sherman, a California Democrat, ask them if they were willing to sell their jets on Wednesday and fly back to Detroit on a commercial flight, none of them were.  Well, I say let them sell their corporate jets in bankruptcy liquidation!

END THE FED! protests scheduled for 11/22/08

END THE FED! protests will take place at all FED branches and offices in the following 39 US cities on Saturday, 11/22/08:

Atlanta, Baltimore, Birmingham, Boston, Buffalo, Charlotte, Chicago, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Dallas (Alex Jones of to attend, hope he does not break the below principles!), Detroit, Denver, El Paso, Helena, Houston (Ron Paul to attend), Jacksonville, Kansas City, Little Rock, Los Angeles, Louisville, Memphis, Miami, Minneapolis, New York City, Nashville, New Orleans, Oklahoma City, Omaha, Philadelphia,  Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Portland, Richmond, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, San Francisco, Seattle, St. Louis, Washington, DC.

Full story - click here.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Is Senator Obama a Natural Born Citizen?

Why should it be so difficult to establish Obama's natural born citizenship status?  The fact that it is makes it all the more important to answer this question before he is sworn into office as our 44th president.  This could very well be one of the final assaults against the authority of the United States Constitution.

Note this dialog regarding the difference in certificates: A Certification of Live Birth is not a legal document and is explained on this State of Hawaii Department of Hawaiian Home Lands website. Quote: In order to process your application, DHHL utilizes information that is found only on the original Certificate of Live Birth, which is either black or green. This is a more complete record of your birth than the Certification of Live Birth (a computer-generated printout). Submitting the original Certificate of Live Birth will save you time and money since the computer-generated Certification requires additional verification by DHHL. End Quote - See

Notice the difference:

"When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom's dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.'s children:

"British Nationality Act of 1948 (Part II, Section 5): Subject to the provisions of this section, a person born after the commencement of this Act shall be a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by descent if his father is a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies at the time of the birth.

"In other words, at the time of his birth, Barack Obama Jr. was both a U.S. citizen (by virtue of being born in Hawaii) and a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies (or the UKC) by virtue of being born to a father who was a citizen of the UKC.' "

"The article goes on to state that Obama's British citizenship was transferred to Kenya as Kenya became independent from the UK and that Obama's Kenyan citizenship expired when he turned 21 years old. But none of that is relevant since the Constitution requires that every President be a "natural born citizen". The word "born" is proof positive that the status must be present "at birth". If this were not the case, then, as stated above, the Framers would not have needed to put in a grandfather clause.

"The Framers recognized that even they were not "natural born citizens" and so they wrote the grandfather clause in to allow any of them to become President. But the grandfather clause only pertains to those who were Citizens at the time of the Constitution's adoption. And so, Barack Obama is not a "natural born citizen" of the United States and neither is John McCain who was born in Panama, and neither is Roger Calero who was born in Nicaragua."

Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, aka Barry Obama, aka Barack Dunham, aka Barry Dunham is simply an empty husk delivered up as the messiah and answer to America's problems when he's nothing but a fake and a devout Marxist. If this constitutional issue isn't decided by either the courts or the electoral college on December 15, 2008, and Obama is sworn in, when the truth does come out, and it will, we will truly have a mess of monumental proportions. Even a pro-abortion supporter (who calls abortion murder) of Obama is now questioning why won't Obama produce a real, legal document?

"But Obama could have ended the entire matter months ago by publicly requesting Hawaii to issue a fresh, long-form, stamped certificate and inviting a few high profile reporters in to examine the document and photograph it. (The campaign did make the "short-form" certificate available to, a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania.) And why has Obama not made his university records or thesis work widely available? The passivity of the press toward Bush administration propaganda about weapons of mass destruction led the nation into the costly blunder of the Iraq war. We don't need another presidency that finds it all too easy to rely on evasion or stonewalling. I deeply admire Obama, but as a voter I don't like feeling gamed or played."

Full story - click here.

Just how much is $700,000,000,000?

$700,000,000,000 is more than virtually any other US government endeavor dating back to the Louisiana Purchase. Adjusted for inflation, only one of the following cost more. Can you guess which one it is?

  1. Hoover Dam
  2. Panama Canal
  3. Gulf War I
  4. The Marshall Plan
  5. Louisiana Purchase
  6. Race to the Moon
  7. Savings & Loan Crisis
  8. Korean War
  9. The New Deal
  10. Gulf War II / War on Terror
  11. Viet Nam War
  12. NASA (50-year cumulative spending)
  13. World War II
Watch this Big Budget Events slideshow for the answer.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Who is Hank Paulson?

This is the man who proclaimed the subprime crisis "largely contained" in April 2007; "near the bottom" in May 2007; and "largely contained" again in August 2007. This is the man who pledged that he had "no interest in bailing out lenders or property speculators" in October 2007 and couldn't "think of any situation where the backdrop of the global economy was as healthy as it is today." This is the man who patted himself on the back for refusing to "put taxpayer money on the line" to rescue Lehman Brothers on Sept. 15 - and then turned around the next day and engineered the $85 billion taxpayer-funded bailout of AIG. This is the man who vowed he had "no plans to insert money" into Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -and then turned around and committed $200 billion in capital and credit lines to those corrupt, bloated, crumbling institutions. This is the man who declared "the worst is likely to be behind us" in May 2008.

A Frightening "Knock-Knock" Joke

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Auto insdustry is a "dinosaur"

Hardline opponents of an auto industry bailout branded the industry a "dinosaur" whose "day of reckoning" is near, while Democrats pledged Sunday to do their best to get Detroit a slice of the $700 billion Wall Street rescue in this week's lame-duck session of Congress.

I tend to agree with the opponents, the US automobile industry is a "dinosaur", unable to compete.  Once again, it's all because of greed.  The autoworkers' unions have ruined the entire industry and need to be disbanded.  Can you imagine where the computer and electronics industry would be today, if it were hamstrung with unions?  There was a time when they had their purpose.  That time is long past.  If they are needed again, they can be revived.

Senate Democrats intended to introduce legislation Monday attaching an auto bailout to a House-passed bill extending unemployment benefits; a vote was expected as early as Wednesday.

This is something else I'm sick and tired of - attaching bills to other bills with which they have nothing to do!  I urge you to write your representatives, asking them to put an end to this!  This is simply a strong-arm method of getting pork passed through Congress in order to get needed legislation through.

Majority Democrats will need at least a dozen GOP votes in the Senate to prevent opponents from blocking their measure. So far two Republicans [George Voinovich of Ohio and Kit Bond of Missouri] publicly have voiced support for the idea.

Let your Senators know your opinion!  Call them, email them, write them!  These guys have totally forgotten who it is that works for whom!  Let us remind them!

Read the next few paragraphs and see which really makes sense, to you:

"Companies fail everyday and others take their place. I think this is a road we should not go down," said Shelby, the senior Republican on the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee. "They're not building the right products," he said. "They've got good workers but I don't believe they've got good management. They don't innovate. They're a dinosaur in a sense."

"Added Kyl, the Senate's second-ranking Republican: "Just giving them $25 billion doesn't change anything. It just puts off for six months or so the day of reckoning."

And then, there's this...

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said over the weekend the House would aid the ailing industry, though she did not put a price on her plan. "The House is ready to do it," said Democratic Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee. "There's no downside to trying."

Oh, really?  Nancy Pelosi doesn't have a clue and Barney Frank thinks there's no downside to trying!  I guess throwing away $25B is not to be considered as a downside!  These people act like the Fed just cranks up the printing press and turns out more money whenever they need it.  Oh, wait!  They do!

If there is no downside, as Barney Frank says, then why not do as the Administration suggests and use the $25B that's already been approved to help the automakers develop fuel-efficient vehicles?  After all, if they don't survive, they won't need it to develop fuel-efficient vehicles!

[Carlos Gutierrez] said reopening the Wall Street bailout and including automakers could attract other industries looking for bailouts.

"If you start that, where do you stop?" he asked. "There's a line of companies of industries waiting at Treasury just to see if they can get their hands on those $700 billion."

No kidding!

Former GOP House Speaker Newt Gingrich said young voters, who overwhelmingly supported Obama over Republican John McCain in the presidential election, could get turned off by expensive corporate bailouts that they will eventually have to pay for.

If "those 20-year-olds and 30-year-olds start to figure out they're going to pay the taxes, they're not getting the billions, I think you might find a lot of dissatisfaction by next summer," Gingrich said.

Evenutally, the rooster comes home to roost.  We all need to learn that there is no free lunch, someone has to pay for this.

Full story -

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Stealing from the Public

The following are excerpts from, "Monetarism Is Dead; Bury It Before It Buries Us"

by John Hoefle

When everyone wants to sell, who does the buying? Increasingly, the answer to that question is: a government or a central bank. In the early days of the crisis, before it exploded so publicly, the big banks would unload their bad paper on state and local governments, but that only worked for a while, until those governments started taking big losses. The banks also sold some of their bad paper to vulture investors who believed that the markets would return, and big profits could be had by buying assets "cheaply"; the vultures were soon disabused of that notion. The banks also sold off bunches of their bad paper to hedge funds and special purpose vehicles they set up as toxic waste dumps, often lending the buyers the money to make the purchases. At this point, the financial world is littered with more buried bodies than a mafia garbage dump.

As the speculators' desperation grew and they ran out of suckers to rip off, they increasingly turned their attentions to governments. Initially, the banks began unloading their bad paper on the central banks as collateral for loans, and as the crisis deepened, the central banks both increased the size of their loan programs and loosened their collateral standards, taking in ever-larger amounts of bad paper. The nominal reason for these loans was to deal with the "credit crunch," but they were really intended to deal with a solvency crisis by exchanging worthless securities for cash.

It was not enough—by a long shot. Though the tens of billions turned into hundreds of billions and then into trillions of dollars, the losses grew even faster, leaving the banks with more bad paper than ever before. With the hole growing faster than it could be filled, a new plan was launched, to have the Federal government buy the bad paper directly.

The result was Secretary Paulson's bailout plan, submitted to Congress in mid-September, accompanied by a demand that the plan be passed without modification. What Paulson got was a bill that gave him most of what he wanted, including giving him the power to decide which institutions might survive for a while and which would not. In presenting the plan, Paulson asserted that it was well thought out, carefully crafted to deal with the problem, and absolutely necessary.

Then, a week after he got what he said he needed, he threw out the plan, and adopted one cooked up by the British.

Under the British plan, the governments would inject capital directly into the banks, by buying equity stakes. 

Despite having rejected the idea of buying equity in the banks, Paulson adopted the British plan. We suspect it wasn't entirely voluntary, since the change followed a visit to the United States by the plan's spokesman, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

However, the real purpose of the cash injections was not simply to save banks, but to force a consolidation of the U.S. banking system. This intent was demonstrated in the takeover by PNC Financial of National City Corp., when Treasury denied National City the funds it needed to stay independent, instead telling it to find a buyer, while giving PNC significantly more in cash than it needed to buy National City.

Unless we break with these Anglo-Dutch Liberal system policies, we are heading inexorably into corporatism, a world run by a small group of global financial and corporate interests which will savagely loot the people of the world to protect what they see as their right to rule the world, and exercise control over all of its resources. The oligarchs have made their intent clear in many public statements, despite the veneer of the "saving the little people" propaganda they spin around their plans for public consumption.

As the physical economy collapses, our ability to support human life plunges. People will die not only in Asia, Africa, and Ibero-America, but in the United States and Europe as well. People will die, nations will die, cultures will die, all because those who could turn the situation around—people who could force a change in policy that could save humanity—refuse to act.

This great tragedy does not have to happen. The policies to solve the problem exist, as do significant numbers of people devoted to organizing the solution.

This article appears in the November 14, 2008 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
Each of us can make a difference.  Stand up and make your voices heard!

Neel Kashkari before Congress

The following very short video clips are from the November 14, 2008 Domestic Committee meeting with Assistant Secretary of Treasury, Neel Kashkari, regarding the Treasury Department's use of government assistance funds.  Talk about being put on the hot seat!

Even Pakistan wants in on a bailout

"Pakistan has asked for a loan package from the International Monetary Fund worth at least $7.6bn..."

"The Pakistani economy has grown by 7% to 8% over the last few years, but most of this growth has taken place in sectors such as consumer financing.

"By 2006, trade imbalances because of high imports caused the economy to slow down; a subsequent rise in international prices of food and oil worsened the situation."

Hmmm.  Sound familiar?  The major difference I see is that Pakistan looks to stick the IMF with the debt and the U.S. is sticking it to its own citizens.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Liar, liar, pants on fire!

How do you know if Paulson, Bernanke, Bush & the rest of them are lying?  Their lips are moving!

"Paulson won approval from Congress in early October to spend up to $700 billion to calm financial markets and revive lending, but has ruffled feathers by changing the focus to bolstering bank capital from buying mortgages."

I've seen bait-and-switch scams from discount department stores pulled off with better finesse than this!  This whole thing was a scam to help those Wall-streeters with whom a big part of the blame for this mess lies!  It was never meant for us on Main Street, we don't mean a thing!  I can only hope that those of us that went along with this scam are finally starting to open our eyes to what's really going on.  Many told me, "Well, we have to do something!  What they are doing is better than not doing anything."  No, we don't and no, it isn't!  Sometimes, it's better not to interfere, just allow things to work themselves out.  This is especially true when it comes to hastily doing things that have such far-reaching consequences!  Haste makes waste!

"Government purchases of capital in healthy banks are likely to restore lending, he said."

This is nothing short of nationalizing the banking system of the United States.  An October 8, 2008 article in the New York Times, U.S. May Take Ownership Stake in Banks, makes this abundantly clear, "...the Treasury Department is considering taking ownership stakes in many United States banks..."  This nationalization of banks is not limited to just the United States, either, "...the Bank of England announced its plan to nationalize part of the British banking system..."  What in the world is going on?  Are we going to just sit on our complacent asses and let this happen?

"...the financial crisis has mutated into a global downturn that economists warn will be painful and protracted, and for which there is no quick cure."  No truer words have been spoken about this crisis we now find ourselves in.

"One concern about the Treasury’s bailout plan is that it calls for limits on executive pay when capital is directly injected into a bank."  Personally, I believe we should limit executive pay to match current government spreads for any company that does business with the government.  The current government salary spread is about 25-to-1, with the president making $400,000/year and the lowest paid government employee making about $16,000/year.  Some of these corporations have spreads of 4000-to-1, and more.  That's insane, especially if the taxpayer is footing the bill.  For the absolute private sector, a company that does not do business with the government, I would not impose salary caps.

The Fed already has control of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and American International Group (AIG).  Now, it has its sights set on the banks and automakers.  What more needs to be said?

Welcome to the United Socialist States of America (USSA)!

Beating the Drum for a Banking Bailout

by John Hoefle

"We're looking not at a depression, we're not looking at a mortgage crisis: We're looking at a dark age," Lyndon LaRouche told a conference in Munich, Germany, on Feb. 13. Since the 1971-72 period, when the fixed-exchange-rate system was shut down, "the world has been building up a bomb, a giant bomb over a period of about two generations." Since then, LaRouche said, the United States was transformed from a great agro-industrial power, into a junk heap, unable to meet the needs of its own existence.

Under the oligarchic dogma called globalization, the U.S.A. has dismantled the productive power of its economy, shipping much of it overseas to nations where wages are low, and a similar process has occurred in the economies of Western Europe. The result is that the nations of the West have plunged into severe economic decline, and have attempted to make up for it through financial speculation and the accumulation of vast quantities of debt.

The great irony is that we have more money than ever, but we are still broke, because the financial assets we considered valuable have lost their value, and the attempts to prop them up are causing our money to lose its value at an accelerating rate. Despite the prodigious amounts of money produced by the financial markets, the productive potential of the global economy is collapsing. We have now reached the point where the attempts to solve this crisis by throwing more money at it, will trigger a devastating hyperinflation which will wipe out everything in its path. Nations will be destroyed, populations will be destroyed, if we continue down this path, LaRouche warned. Rather than continue our foolish attempts to bail out this system, LaRouche said, we must put it through bankruptcy proceedings, to save what we can and begin rebuilding. To continue with these policies which are destroying us, would be insane.

The very next day, Feb. 15, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke, and Securities and Exchange commissioner Chris Cox appeared before the Senate Banking Committee, to call for a bailout of the system.

Save the Paper

The underlying theme of the testimony of these three members of the President's Working Group on Financial Markets (a.k.a., the "Plunge Protection Team") is that the problem with the U.S. economy is a "housing crisis," and that by cleaning up the subprime mortgage mess we can restore ourselves to health. Paulson expressed this view clearly, saying that the economy "is fundamentally strong," but "undergoing a significant and necessary housing correction."

By presenting the problem as a housing crisis, Paulson was able to push programs which have the intended effect of stabilizing the markets for mortgage debt and the securities which are (nominally) based on that debt, namely, trillions of dollars of mortgage-backed securities, collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), and other alphabet-soup speculative paper. These plans, from his "HOPE NOW" scheme to his plans to "modernize" the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), all revolve around supporting the existing debt.

Bernanke said much the same, stating that "investor concerns about the credit quality of mortgages, especially subprime mortgages ... triggered the financial turmoil." Bernanke did address the problems of the banking system, but presented these problems as a result of "the sharp reduction in investor willingness to buy securitized credits," which he, of course, blamed on the housing crisis. The Fed, he said, has addressed these developments in two ways, by pumping money into the banking system through the creation of a term auction facility (TAF), and by lowering interest rates.

Cox, as expected, opened his testimony with a discussion of how financial markets worldwide "have been roiled by the deterioration of credit and liquidity conditions in the U.S. residential mortgage market, especially the subprime portion of that market." Cox focussed much of his attention on "the roll of the ratings agencies in the subprime market turmoil," citing the widespread public criticism of the accuracy of their ratings.

Senate Banking Committee chairman Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) also got into the act, characterizing the current economic situation as "a crisis of confidence among consumers and investors. Consumers are fearful of borrowing and spending. Investors are fearful of lending. Financial transactions which generate new businesses and new jobs are shrinking in number and size.... Our economy is clearly in trouble. The most important thing we can do right now is act to restore consumer and investor confidence."

The picture painted by all four of these supposed leaders is of the need to do whatever we must to restore the markets to their former glory, ignoring completely that the system they are so intent on restoring, has destroyed our nation.

Hidden Agenda

These men are not as stupid as they appear to be. Paulson, a former head of Goldman Sachs, knows all too well that the problem goes far beyond the mortgage markets, and that the idea that this is a housing crisis was part of a marketing strategy to sell the public on the need for a Federal bailout of the banking system.

As EIR has explained repeatedly, the explanations being given about the origin of this financial crisis are backwards, in that it was the bankruptcy of the financial system which drove housing prices into the stratosphere, as a way of creating artificial wealth, which could then be turned into assets with which to speculate. It was the need to feed this global pyramid scheme which led to the lowering of lending standards, and the creation of the mortgage-backed securities, collateralized debt obligations, structured investment vehicles, and other abominations with which we have become so familiar over the past year. It is the collapse of the financial system itself, which triggered the mortgage crisis, the rash of home foreclosures, the collapse of the securitization machine—these are not causes, but effects, of that systemic collapse.

Now, as the banking system itself seizes up, we are beginning to hear calls for a bailout of the banks, and we see what Paulson, Bernanke, and the Plunge Protection Team are really doing. They are organizing a bailout, but as public officials, they cannot say so directly, so the calls have to come from the private sector.

We reported last week on the plan advanced by New York banker and real estate man Howard Milstein, which appeared as an op-ed in the Feb. 6 edition of the New York Times. Milstein called for the government to explicitly guarantee all subprime mortgages, thereby eliminating the huge losses the banks have incurred on subprime-related securities. Other plans are also surfacing.

"The banking industry, struggling to contain the fallout from the mortgage debacle, is urgently shopping proposals to Congress and the Bush administration that could shift some of the risk for troubled loans to the Federal government," the Wall Street Journal reported Feb. 14. Credit Suisse, the big Swiss bank, is circulating a proposal to have the FHA guarantee mortgage refinancings by delinquent borrowers, with the government absorbing the loss if the borrowers default. "The fact that the plan is receiving serious consideration suggests the level of concern in Washington," the Journal said. JP Morgan Chase is also working on a plan to expand the use of FHA financing as a way of bailing out the banking system.

There are also plans under discussion to bail out the bond insurance market, the so-called monoline insurers. New York State is looking at ways to arrange for private capital infusions into the monolines, and the House of Representatives is considering creating a new Federal insurance program for bonds, according to Paul Kanjorski, the Pennsylvania Democrat who heads the House Financial Services subcommittee on capital markets.

It Won't Work

Not only will these crazy bailout plans not work, but they will backfire spectacularly, because they address the wrong problem with the worst possible solution. The problem facing the economy is not a "credit crunch" which can be solved with more money—the problem is the huge overhang of debt which is strangling us all, and a debt crisis cannot be solved with the creation of more debt. That is, after all, what Paulson and Bernanke are proposing, what Milstein, Credit Suisse, JP Morgan Chase and Rep. Kanjorski are proposing. They all want the government to step in and guarantee assets of the financial market, turning worthless private debts into government-guaranteed debts. What they would do, to use LaRouche's metaphor, is make the bomb even bigger, and push the economy into Weimar-style hyperinflation.

These schemes are not solutions, but desperate attempts to buy time, to postpone the inevitable collapse of the banking system. They are comparable to the actions of a gambling addict on a losing streak, who doubles down his bets in the vain hope of saving the day, rather than having the sense to cut his losses and walk away from the casino. We said before that these men are not as stupid as they appear to be, but that does not make their actions rational.

Gentlemen, it is time to quit acting on your impulses and begin to use your higher faculties. Your system is dead, and your attempts to save your virtual money will only make matters worse, far worse than you seem to understand. Do us all a favor and come to your senses, and please do it quickly.

This article appears in the February 22, 2008 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
Notice the date of this article - February 22, 2008 - more than seven months before the bailout was presented to the public and passed by Congress, on October 3, 2008.  Reality check - We have been scammed, once again!  How much more will we take?  Does our entire economy and civilization as we know it have to collapse, first?  Wake up, America!  Let your Senators and Representatives hear from you!  If they refuse to do our bidding, they must be replaced.  If we don't get control of this, we are doomed.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Meet Helga!

Hello.  We are from the government and we're here to help you!
Meet Helga.  She's your new babysitter.  She'll take care of your mortgage and your health care, tell you who you can bank with, what you can say and what you can eat.  We'll take her salary out of your paycheck.  By the way, if you call her a socialist, you're racist.  Any questions?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Root cause of sub-prime mortgage crises

Watch the following three video clips to get an accurate understanding of the reason for our current sub-prime mortgage crises.  Shocking, depressing, and the truth!

American Militia Leader Speaks to Senate

Although these videos are from a June 15, 1995 Senate Terrorism Subcommittee hearing, they are still relevant, today.  Mr. Johnson speaks to Senators Arlen Specter, Fred Thompson, and others about the roll of militias in American society.  He speaks about the circumstances in which they will be used, and the reasons that necessitate such organizations.

"It is the responsibility of the patriot to protect his country from its government."
— Thomas Paine

Gun sales soar with Obama election

"Faster than a speeding bullet, rifles and handguns have been flying off the shelves here and across the country since Barack Obama won the presidential election.

"People are afraid of losing their Second Amendment gun rights...

"One warehouse we called had 21 assault rifles when they opened for business on Monday, and within 30 seconds they were gone.

"Surprisingly the biggest increase in sales I've seen has been in women buying small handguns."
As passive and complacent as the American public has become, I really must wonder just how many of us would really stand up against the government if they should send the police and military to confiscate our guns.  Would we stand united or would it just be small groups of 'radicals and anarchist', painted so by the government and media, and swallowed whole by the general public?  I'm just afraid that it would be the latter.  Wake up, America!

Full story - click here.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veterans Day - For whom is this day really for?

As we observe the 89th Veterans Day since the end of World War I, which ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, I am once again conflicted.  In my opinion, honoring veterans on this day is done so with lip service, only.  While it's supposed to be a day of paying homage and recognition to veterans, who gets the day off work?  Government workers, teachers, postal employees, and our kids get a day out of school.  Yep!  What a twisted way we have of honoring our veterans!  It is my opinion that all veterans should be entitled to a paid day off work, not just government workers and school kids!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Fire up the bong and sing "Kum Bah Yah"

Although I have never done so, the first thing that came to my mind when someone sent me the following was to fire up the bong and sing "Kum Bah Yah!"

Go to:

It’s Your America: Share Your Ideas

"The story of the campaign and this historic moment has been your story. Share your story and your ideas, and be part of bringing positive lasting change to this country."

I saw a great billboard the day after the election:

Yesterday: VS
Today: US

While the news still has us spinning (a good time for dervishes!), our President-elect Obama has asked all of us, the citizens of the world, for input on what we want to see next.

So I invite you, to invite your friends to the Peace Portal's front page to find the link to his site for our participation, and links to headlines from around the world,  and most of all - for YOU to blog your feelings about this moment in history. We have a diverse membership, so I hope that we'll hear from some of you in distant corners who have long held your silence.

Please, pass this email onto others who might find what we offer as food for the mind and soul, to be a benefit this week.

Peace and Love Abounding,

Visit Peace Portal at:

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Now, they come crawling out of the woodwork

Farrakhan says Obama draws a 'oneness of spirit'

"For nine months, I kept quiet because I saw that the good words that I spoke about this beautiful young man at our Saviours' Day convention and the way they were misused," Farrakhan said of Obama. "I decided it would be better for me to just be quiet rather than be drawn into the controversy that was swirling around his pastor, Father Pfleger, and others."

Farrakhan then added with a smile, "I feel freer today to say the things that are in my heart."

"The Nation of Islam has taught that whites are descended from the devil and that blacks are the chosen people of Allah."  Does this mean that Obama is only half evil?

How long do you suppose it will be before Obama once again embraces his pastor of 20+ years, Jeremiah Wright, or the likes of Bill Ayers?

Full story - click here.

W. Movie

We went this afternoon and saw the movie, W., directed by Oliver Stone.  Very well done and worth the time to watch.  Excellent job of casting - Josh Brolin has George W. Bush nailed and James Cromwell was excellent as Bush, Sr.  I never would have guessed Richard Dreyfuss could do such a good job as Dick Cheney!  Thandie Newton as Condoleezza Rice, Elizabeth Banks as Laura Bush, Jeffrey Wright as Colin Powel, and more, were all very well done.

One does have to question the timing of the release of this movie, just before the 2008 presidential election.  Hmmm?  Nah, Hollywood is not biased!